
Friday, April 9, 2010

More Classy Boomer "Before" & "After" Styles!

My Baby Boomer Sisters,

Again, we can do sooo many things to look good! I've got a few more "before" and "after" pics with commentary for each one. Take the BEST of what you see that will work for YOU!

Look at Nancy (at left). I'm telling you, she is one SHARP LOOKING lady here in her 'after' picture! What made the difference from her 'before'? First, a shorter, soft bob with bang updated her right away. Nancy could have gotten some fashion-forward glasses too, but looks like she opted for contact lenses (or maybe even Lasik surgery, if she was a candidate for it).
Her makeup is more polished with a neutral lipcolor that works soo much better than the red in the 'before' picture.

Nancy's jacket in the 'before' pic is probably good and warm, yet it made

her look heavier and older. Her new, long jacket in the cool patchwork is so slimming! Pairing it with a white blouse and shimmering pants - Yes! Nancy has got it going on! I'm telling you: Nancy looks 10 years younger! Can you see a similar look working for you? Yeah, baby!

Carol (at right) is 69 years old. She's five years older than our Boomer group, but I've included
her in my blog because she has such ENERGY! You can 'feel' her enthusiasm about life. She was truly happy to get the makeover.

And girrrl! Look at CAROL 'after'! Alright!

I wanna be like Carol when I grow up! :-) Again, update your hairstyle. Carol's new 'do' is a soft halo cut quite flattering to her face. The gray top and pants give a very sleek jumpsuit affect with the wide-leg pants offering a gentle flow as she moves. The light gray jacket is slightly fitted for an elegant, feminine appeal.

Also, try on high heels to find the right height for you. In my 20s I loved 5" heels. Now 3-3 1/2" heels are perfect for me. Additionally, look at the shape of the shoe. If you can't do pointy toe shoes, forget about 'em! Square toe or rounded toe might be the best. Carol's heels, though barely visible, give her a great finished look.
Now Gail here (at left) looks like she bought into the 'grunge' look (her 'before') and didn't let it go even after the look died down. Gail, Gail, Gail, GAIL! Woman, you are tooooooo old for THAT LOOK! She appears like she was keeping up with her teenage son or something!

The dark top, hair and makeup was soo unflattering. Gail is a slim woman who could have done better - and she FINALLY did! Her 'after' affect is slammin'!

Lighter hair, makeup and outfit makes her smile sparkle! Gail shows off gorgeous skin with a body that says, "I'm STILL youthful, and am ready to go!" Her decorative sandles are at a height that works for her and the great sundress. Beautiful!

Last but not least, is Rici (at right). Rici's 'before' pic seems to say that she had settled into a style that was "grandmotherly". She appears to have accepting the look of where she was going growing older.

But, thank God her makeover opportunity came along to change all of that! Check Rici out! I'm lovin' her NEW LOOK!

Rici received a lighter, more stylish haircut. And let me say a word on haircolor as we get older. "Lighter" haircolor is GOOD. Dark haircolor often looks like a hair helmet; unnatural and unflattering. If you're determined to go dark as you were while younger, at least consider adding highlights to it so that the hair has depth and appears much more natural.

Rici's clothing silhouette is dynamite. The fitted leather jacket and smooth slacks set off her look wonderfully. Nothing wrong with wearing flats too. She looks comfortable and ready to go to work, to the movies, mall, or to dinner with her man. Oooooo baby!

Look Boomer mamas, UPDATE, REMAKE, DO OVER your style! Find that sharp, classy look that speaks of your spirit and puts you front & center with 2010! Let go of the old look and old you! You deserve to have looks that bring you compliments and sometimes a 'second look' from others. As you know, "when you LOOK GOOD you FEEL GOOD! Right on!

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