
Friday, May 7, 2010

V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N! In the Summertime!

Baby Boomer Women & Young Ladies!

Where are you going this Summer? We all need a break from our everyday lives.

What do you plan to do for vacation? Hey, if you’re making plans with your spouse, partner, kids, or friends you better all be on the same page of what you desire to do!

I have a girlfriend who planned a vacation for her and her husband. They had only been married two years and this was going to be their first excursion away. Davina kept talking about the Caribbean vacation she was planning; going to Antigua for parasailing, jet skiing, swimming in the ocean and dancing at night. Davina told me Gary was real laid back about it all; she wondered why he wasn’t as excited as she was.

Well…when they got to their destination Gary had other things in mind. He wanted to stay in their hotel room and..( know what he wanted to do! Heh heh heh…). Or, he just wanted the two of them to hang on the beach lying in the sand, or watching the natives play cricket. Davina came home ticked off because she wanted lots of activity – and Gary wanted to relax and do nothing.

I’m not saying either one is right – it’s just that vacation means different things to different people. Some folks get very happy when you talk about Hiking! Girl, they want to go to a national forest or the mountains, spend the night in a tent, and hike all day. To them, THAT’S a great vacation!

Or, vacation could be a road trip. Grab the kids, pack shorts, t-shirts & swimsuits, bring some food – and let’s go! When I was a kid my parents took us on road trips to Toronto, to dad’s family in Cleveland, or mom’s people in Georgia. My parents would be all psyched at first until we started hollering, “are we THERE YET??” Us kids would see who could spot the most out-of-state license plates. We’d sing, play kid’s cards, and get on each other’s nerves! Lol!

Nowadays, when parents and kids do road trips, the kids have hand-held video games and roof-mounted video monitors to watch. They can talk or text friends on their cell phones to keep in touch. They can even take their laptops with games on them.

But, you know what? I wouldn’t trade the fun with my brothers, sister, and parents on our road trips to be a kid today for anything! We had EACH OTHER to connect closely with – and I learned more about their likes, dislikes, strengths, and character than I think the kids of today do. They’re more plugged into THINGS instead of PEOPLE.

Oh well, Let’s have some fun this summer! If you get a minute, give me a comment to say what you’re doing or where you’re going for the Summer.

I’m going to VEGAS! (chuckle) One of my best girlfriends lives there. I’m looking forward to seeing the Hoover Dam again, seeing how residential Las Vegas has become, and checking out all the newer hotels & clubs on the Vegas strip (I might even get a little tipsy while there! Lol!) However, I’m not a gambler – I like to KEEP my money! (chuckle)

Have fun!


  1. Can I come with you to Vegas??!! ;)

  2. Misty, I sooo appreciate you and your great comments! Thank you! :)

    You and your family have great plans this Summer, I'm sure. You'll be having fun outside at your new home. Additionally, since your man's family is in Cleveland, there are beautiful spots near this area you could visit. Areas around Geauga Lake, wineries, and more.

    Meanwhile, you can come to Vegas with me on my next trip! And remember, "what happens in Vegas, STAYS in Vegas!" (wink & a chuckle!)
