
Monday, March 22, 2010

Keep Up With This Boomer In Her High Heels!

Hello and Welcome to my world of Baby Boomer women with Style!

You want to know "what's THAT all about??"

It's about this new generation of women born between 1946 and 1964 who are filled with LIFE and got it goin' on!

I'm representing for the baby boomer women who are STILL excited about living! And my blog is going to tell you all about it

For example, I feel GOOD about myself, don't you? You've got to feel good about who you are, the choices you've made, and living for TODAY. Every moment is special - because tomorrow is not promised. I think you truly start to value time when you get older. Then you know you've got to make the most of it.

I've got a host of 'baby boomer topics' that I will be sharing with you. Plus some wonderful guest writers (and a few who I want to write PERMANENTLY here!) Below is just a sample of conversations and places where I'm going to take YOU:

- Girl's Got Style
- Love the Skin You're In
- Healthcare, are You affected?
- Makeup for Mama
- Clothes that say "YOU"
- Still Want Romance?
- Pamper Me, Spoil Me
- MEN (Sigh..)
- Now That's MY RIDE!
- Dancing With The ____
- Lingerie Don't Go Away!
- Kiss the Cook
- Let's Travel Together
- Comfort/Discomfort
- Why Am I Healthy?
- Savoring Time
- Men - O - Pause
- Music That Soothes
- You Read My Mind

And sooooooo much more! Wooo weee! I can't wait to get started!

I invite my Boomer sisters to take a look and join in the conversation. I want my younger girls to let us mentor you - so that YOU feel the same 'joie de vivre' (or joy of living) that WE DO - and that you take it to another level to include your generation of sisters from around the world who see through similar eyes as you.

I look forward to my Latina sister, Margarita, coming to share her Boomer point of view. We've been on a Boomer panel that wanted our ideas - and PAID us for it!

So, let's get started! I'm either running or I'm laying down, and right now I've got my high heels on and moving. So you better keep up! Okay... I'll wait for you! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I'm testing the waters for this new site. I hope all my friends will like it, because I've got LOTS of things to share!
