
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Romance - Do You Still Want It?

Romance - Do You Still Want It? (And how do you get it?)

Ro manc(e): 1. A dreamy, imaginative state of mind. 2. A love affair, esp. one in which the lovers display their deep affection openly, by gestures of giving.

Does a grown woman like you still desire romance? I hope so.

Sometimes we baby boomer women pursue definition number one above. We get in that dreamy state of mind by reading romance novels and wishing we were the heroines wooed by that sexy stallion of a man.

Yet, isn't it truly best to live it?

Boomer women know that oftentimes the thrill of romance can be gone shortly after a relationship or marriage get going off the ground.

Still, it's not over in your mind. So, let's give our definition of romance from the words of some songs:

You needed more walks, more talks, more feeling close to your loved one. Candle light & dinner - wouldn't that be nice? Roses? A diamond ring? Can we "court" again, like we used to?

I want to offer some ideas to bring romance back into your life with your man:

- Touch him more. Gently on the arm, glide your finger down the side of his face, rub his shoulders, put your leg on his leg. Touch is a wonderful part of romance, and we could all use more touching.

- Smile. Smile with your eyes; give a pretty smile, coy look, or eyes open with wonderment. Your happiness relaxes him and you, and your smile affirms that he is okay in your book.

- Cook. Maybe you don't cook as much as you used to or don't cook at all. But, even if you warm up a frozen or pre-cooked dinner, share it with him with a lighted candle on the table. Most of us look good in candelight.

- Love notes. Put a note in his briefcase, or in a pocket of the pants he will wear that day. If your note says what sexy thing you want to do to him or with him, I'll bet he will think about it through out the day. There is power in sharing your love this way.

- Change your image. A comfortably form-fitting dress and heels as high as you can wear them brings out the woman in you. Add a new lipstick or makeover - wow! Or, change your hair style - get it cut. If he doesn't notice right away, don't be mad. Do these things for YOU and he will come around.

- Massage. Dear ladybugs, there are some WONDERFUL products out here that produce the most erotic, desirable massage. It's that touch again - try the K-Y Touch Massage Oil in Bali Moonlight . Romance is back again! :-)

- Understanding. Know that he may have had a hard day too, and needs a bit of understanding. Listen to him. Then run HIM a bubble bath (not as much bubbles for him as for you), put a candle in the bathroom and turn out the lights. Give him a glass of his favorite libation or wine. And bathe him..... woooo wee! Let the Romance begin!

- Share a dessert . You know it's sooo romantic him feeding you and you feeding him dessert. Ohhh yeah....and let the REAL dessert commence later....

- Slow dance. If anything is truly romantic it is to be held in a close embrace with your man while dancing to a slow beat. His cologne, your perfume, hearts pulsing next to each other. Hey, I'm smiling... are you smiling?

- Encouraging foreplay. Once more for massage, tickling him with a feather, love talk or sexy talk in soft tones, languishing in the hot tub together, licking the palm of his hand or, sucking gently on a finger can encourage HIS foreplay behavior. Let your man be a man!

- Teddy and High Heels. You know, it doesn’t make any difference if you are fat, skinny, tall, short, or whatever. Men like a teddy and high heels. Pick the right moment to put them on – and you’ll have an exciting love life all over again!

Check out more romantic ideas here.

If you've got ideas or scenarios you want to share, I welcome your thoughts.

And even if you don't have a partner, keep a romantic spirit with that wonderful hope of sharing your love & joy one day with that special person.

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