
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Men (Sigh...)

Sisters, don't give up on our men! Yes, I know they can get on your LAST nerve. And, as an unmarried Baby boomer, it's an interesting thing dealing with the fellas.

I'm trippin' right now because my guy, Larry Green (pictured right), lives in Chicago and it's the weekend and he's not here! I'm concluding that a successful long distance relationship has got to have some MONEY to go along with it. You know what they used to say back in the day, "romance without finance is a nui-sance!" What I mean is: traveling to see each other more often. Or, flying off together for a weekend getaway in between the monthly visits.

Larry and I have known each other since August, 2009. Larry is a good man. He is a partner in his own business of staffing minority attorneys.

We had a hot & heavy romance (yes, boomers STILL get hot & heavy!) that appears to be cooling a little due to the distance.

Oh he still calls me at work two times a day, and once at night. We've been seeing each other once a month. I'm just having a problem with this arrangement because I want to go out with a man on all the other weekends. Plus, we both seem to be getting busier with our civic, religious, and social activities. Sigh..oh well...

See, I'm a stone-cold romantic who likes to keep the fires burning (oh yeah!)

Let's talk about something else: African-American men dating or marrying outside their race. Some of us have already discussed it; about Tiger Woods, Reggie Bush, Kobe Bryant, heck even Hill Harper who wrote a book on black male-female relationships. Okay, what about some celebrity BOOMER brothers: Bryan Gumbel, Wesley Snipes, Ahmad Rashad (pictured left above), and the list goes on.

Now look, I too have dated outside my race in the past. I do believe you can love anyone you choose. However... A primary reason I've been hearing lately why our black athletes, entertainers, and celebrities go there is "he views her as a "prize" that legitimizes or validates him as a successful man".

What do you think about this, hmmm?

We'll talk more - this can get pretty INTENSE!!


  1. I believe we were all made differently for a reason. Why change that by marrying someone outside of our race? I know that you can not pick who you love but you can pick who you surround yourself with and who you date. Now, don't get me wrong, I am not racist at all! I have friends of every color and I have a sibling that dates outside of her race. However, I do believe that some men think of white women as a prize. Which I believe is completely backwards! Why can't your beautiful black woman be a prize? African-American women are just as beautiful as white women and they deserve the exact same treatment! In fact, I think most African-American women are a lot stronger than white women just because of some of the stereo-types they have had to over-come. Take the women writing this blog for example. She is a wonderful, caring, beautiful woman who has done very well for herself. I believe she would be a prize for any man. However, some men would not even think that way. They would see an African-American woman & say, “that’s not what the media is looking for” without giving her a chance and I think that is a damn shame! I might be “old-school” but I think we should stick to our own race when looking for a life partner.

  2. Misty,

    First, thank you for the compliment - you're a great young lady who has proven confidence and strength of your own! You and I have talked about this in the past. Though you are Caucasian and I'm African-American, we both can agree that there is nothing wrong in loving one's own culture. I do believe in this, even as I have several friends & associates outside of my culture.

    When it comes to rich, successful black men who live in front of the media, I think they are surrounded by many women not of color because these women have the money or resources to be there. Whether they are groupies or well off enough to run in similar circles - the women will pursue these black men because they want their money & prestige. Look at the Kardashian sisters: one is married to a Laker and the other (Kim) is engaged to one of the Saints.

    Oh well.. what can you do but talk about 'em? (chuckle)

  3. Thank you for the compliments!

    I agree, there isn't anything you can do besides talk about 'em. lol
